Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I guess the psychic didn't see this coming

  A man with suspected ties to organized crime had been going to a psychic for readings. He had been going on a regular basis to have a look at his future events. He is at the end of his last reading when the psychic starts acting a little more nervous and she is looking at his palm and says, there will be a bad encounter with a lot of danger for you outside when you leave, by a man in a long dark trench coat and hat. The man looks at the psychic and says wow you really are psychic if you got all that from reading my palm. She says oh no I got a visit from the man and told him what time you were coming in. He stands up accusing her of being a snitch and shoots her, and as he runs out the back door he is gunned down dead. In her last breath she yells oh yeah he said he would be out back.

Monday, November 25, 2013

What this guy was doing right turned to being barred and heel spiked

   Sitting on a bench in the mall, bored out of my mind when a pretty lady hits the panic stop at the top of the escalator. The heel of her stiletto had gotten jammed between the top step and plate where you step off. It caused a heck of a lot of commotion. A security cop and custodian or maintenance man rush over to her.
 Here's where it all went bad, the security guy and maintenance guy talk about a plan. The cop consoles her and the maintenance guy goes behind her. The maintenance guy lays down behind her slides his head between her legs with one arm trying to work the shoe heel free. This might not have been bad however, the back of his head was against the stairs while he staring straight up her skirt. There were a lot of onlookers. This gorgeous woman finally looks down and sees the guy looking at her hoochie coochie and swung her free spiked heel a few times into his holiday walnuts pulled her stuck shoe free took it off and started to swing it at him.
  In the process of her rage she probably had no idea she now had given a full crotch show to everybody in the area as her short little skirt had hiked all the way up during the incident.
Barred for all bad even though he kept yelling he was only trying to help, the whole time that man never took his eyes off her Yeddi.
Happy Holidays

Sunday, November 24, 2013

There is a lot to be said about brown nosing

Just about everybody has bared witness to brown nosing at work. I will set the stage going back just over a year ago when a few successful trial and error trades technicians started to sway problem solved credit to themselves, leaving out the real solution trades technician in the process. The two in question,  by hanging together easily overshadow the real talented technician with undertones of tag team brown nosing of the big boss. The two techs who now appear to have come up with, and implemented the solutions to solve the problems, sneak office visits with the big boss for further getting a credit stamps.
  I had a hand in training one of the two I speak of, but I am not sure when his persona started to incorporate justified and UN-justified glory grabbing. To add to the fury, myself and another coordinator both new who really was responsible for most of the solutions to the complex problems that happened, unfortunately this technician doesn't feel the need to call anyone out. The two in the lime light now incorporated a new addition to glory grabbing, tattling on other techs for some of the same infractions they are guilty of, plus possibly purposely setting up techs on false infractions. 
 This behavior went on for a long time. I did on occasion make the big boss who was my direct report, in on the reality of the situation at hand along with the other coordinator. I later found that the two were making a play to work the boss to see me in a negative light. The boss who used to see through things and situations to be fair and impartial, was now backing favorites.
 I was not as aware of this as I thought until the tables were turned on me for an infraction I had against me. The infraction fueled by my disease ridden procrastinating personality caused me to be in the middle of a major discipline situation. My boss did little or nothing to help me through this situation. His boss whom I had had major confrontations with, had now found a way to drive me out by way of forced resignation to save retirement benefits later on, and avoid prosecution from the organization. It goes on from there that they still have far outreaching ability to prevent me from finding employment. FIVE MONTHS LATER. Watch out if you think fair and impartial is the play at work.